
My name is Candice Dion. The majority of my life I was unhealthy and inactive, just living. The "light bulb" came on in my head in 2008 and I decided to make a change toward a healthy living lifestyle. Since then, I've lost 165 pounds. I am still a work in progress. Hard work and dedication helped me to make it this far. There was NO surgery involved that helped me lose the weight. I was introduced to Zumba in 2009 and fell in love with it. I decided to become a certified instructor in 2011. In August 2013, I also became a certified Alternative Health Counselor and Herbalist. When I lost my full-time job in October 2013, God steered me to pursue my passion for fitness and health full-time. It has been exciting and challenging, and I am so happy to be able to help and encourage people during their weight-loss journey. With God's help, I am here making great things happen and I am grateful!